One thing that moving always confirms for us is how much stuff we've managed to accumulate. I've been unpacking things that I haven't used in years, yet once again I've boxed them up (packing them carefully so they won't be damaged) and moved them across the country. Today Ryan finished our closet. I'm troubled by the fact that I have more clothes that I DON'T wear than 90% of the people in the world have to wear. I don't think that Christians are prohibited from having nice things, or even lots of things, but I do wonder about the excesses in our lives. Much of what I have has been given to me as gifts or handed down to me, used, but it's there nevertheless. Maybe I should try to get rid of one (or two) articles of clothing for every one new thing that I bring in. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter.
On an entirely unrelated (maybe not) note: I must put in a plug for Darfur Bags. A friend of a friend, who lives (I think) in Manitoba (that's in Canada for all of my fellow Americans) makes these great messenger bags out of recycled (aka used previously) fabrics. They are gorgeous and very creative and she sends 100% of the proceeds to a charity benefitting the women of the Darfur region. Here's her blog, where you can view the bags:
I've purchased several for gifts and every one has been received enthusiastically. And what a great story to tell when you show someone your bag. She does make masculine versions from time to time. Also - she did make one for a friend out of that friend's own vintage fabrics (children's clothes, sentimental items, etc) so maybe you have something you'd like her to recycle into a stylish bag. She collects buttons for this project too, so contact her if you have scads of those you're wanting to ditch. Sorry - did I mention her name is Joyce?
Introducing Hope Found
8 years ago
I found you now - you can't escape. Been enjoying some reading and picturing a bit of your new lives. You guys make me smile. :-) (and you've also inspired me re the compost...hmmm...)
I'm so glad to hear from you - I've been checking your blog for pictures of your new house. I can't seem to figure out how to link your blog to mine. Is it because you're "Mac People"?
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